Third intermediate meeting in Bucharest

Third intermediate meeting in Bucharest

Third Intermediate Meeting report
Next Generation of Entrepreneurs
Cooperation Partnership in the field of Youth
Hosting partner: Asociatia Se Poate (Romania)
Meeting Address: Ibis Politehnica Hotel, Splaiul Independenței No 313A, 060042 Bucharest, Romania
Date: 04/09/2023

Meeting minutes:
1. Skills Evaluation Model (PR3):
The PR3 is already available in English, Estonian, Italian and Spanish languages. German and Romanian languages will be ready in the month of September.
2. Realization of the “Online Toolkit for students (PR4)” PROJUVEN output leader.
Please see annex to this email.
3. Multiplier events in August/September 2023:
In this month of September must be realized all the conferences. Please upload photos, description of the event and list of signatures on google drive of the project.
4. Blended mobility in Estonia:
The blended mobility in Estonia which serves to pilot the PR4 contents will be held from 19th to 27th of January in Parnu, where 19th is arrival day and 27th departure day. For the mobility each partner must send a total of 6 participants of which 5 people between 15-19 years old plus one team leader that can be over 30 years old. Uudo Laane from Nooruse Maja will send a detailed infopack in the month of September.
5. Associated partners dissemination to be realized and to be sent to Uudo Laane (RNUN):
Estonian associated partner:- Pärnu Sütevaka Humanitaargümnaasium ( ). Pärnu Sütevaka Humanitaargümnaasium is a small school with friendly people located in Pärnu, Estonia, on the shore of the Baltic Sea. The school is well known for its intellectual spirit, openness and caring environment. The Director of the school will invite the school students to attend RNUN dissemination events and to enrol to the Online Toolkit for young people (PR4).
Austrian associated partners:-Ipcenter ( ). Ipcenter is an experienced training provider with a strong international orientation.
-Bridges to Europe ( ). Bridges to Europe is the joint platform of the EU project activities of die Berater®, a leading consulting company for training and development with more than 400 employees and 45 locations in Austria.
Spanish associated partner: -Fundación Anna Lindh (FAL) Red Española (Anna Lindh network Spain): The FAL is a “network of networks” based in each of the 42 countries of the Euromed space. Currently the Spanish network is made up of more than 130 organizations (PROJUVEN is one of that) from all over the Spanish territory. Its fields of work are diverse, covering areas such as development cooperation, intercultural dialogue, minorities, gender equality, employment and entrepreneurship, education, immigration, environment or media.

Romanian associated partner: Centrul pentru tineret al municipiului București – Bucharest Youth Centre ( .The object of activity of CTMB is achieved by developing a series of projects and programs that come to the aid of young people aged 14-35, to support them in various fields, such as: -Development of projects and programs addressed to students and young people aged 14-35; -Organizing courses and internships for personal development and professional training for young people and students from high school and university in Bucharest, young high school graduates or vocational schools, registered unemployed, young people who do not have a job, are not in a form of education formal or in a vocational training program (NEETS youth).
Italian associated partner: Istituto Istruzione Superiore “A.Volta” in Lodi (Secondary school). ( ). The "A.Volta" Technical secondary school is one of the biggest in the city of Lodi so have a huge pool of young people potentially interested to NGOE results. Additionally, youth workers of RUANA have already a strict collaboration with this school because they help the students of this school to find internships in all territory of Lodi.

6. General discussion about:
a. Discussion about excel output sheet and payrolls/contracts to be provided by partners for PR1, PR2, PR3. You need to upload all the excel output sheets within 30th of November 2023 in project Google Drive: . For the project results justification, you need to upload on Google drive for each different project result the following:
 Excel output sheet (TEMPLATE TO USE IS ON GOOGLE DRIVE). You need to fill it out following the project GANTT CHART so the dates introduced in the excel must follow the GANTT CHART. More, the number of hours introduced must give you a number of DAYS equal or higher to the days assigned you for the specific output. For example, PR1 was equal to 25 days for PROJUVEN so the total days of the excel must be equal or slightly higher than 25 days otherwise your budget will be cut.
 Contract/agreement between the person that realized the output and the legal representative of the partner. The contract/agreement can be also in your national language and must have written in it the project name (Next Generation of Entrepreneurs) and ID project number (2021-2-EE01-KA220-YOU-000051095).
 Proof of the payment (bank transfer) or any other legal means that show that payment was done.
b. Social media channels (Instagram & Facebook): You find the updated social media plan on google drive.
c. Realization of local dissemination events to post on project website. Please realize dissemination events and send photos plus description to Uudo Laane.
d. Second budget transfer to all partners should happen within the end of September
e. Fourth intermediate meeting will be in Lodi (Milan area, Italy) and will be hosted by RUANA.
7. Closing meeting: Final greetings

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